
the boxer

Isn't he the cutest?!  You'd never know that cutie pie could stir up such trouble.

Mr. cutie pie has decided he will no longer take bottles.  We found out while Daddy was  home with him and a bottle, which he absolutely refused to drink.  He screamed.  and screamed.  and screamed.   oops.

I made it my mission to get him to take a bottle, but he is a fighter.  He swings those arms like a boxer and fights hard with all those chubby fingers and gummy gums.  No way, no bottle!

We've tried a new kind of bottle, but with all that fighting, you can't really get the bottle near his mouth....hmm...not sure what the next step is.  Sippy cups?  Wait him out?  I don't know.  He's a persistant little thing.  And man, he has a great smile....when his belly is full :)

Lots of love, 