
Jeremy's Three & Four month updates

I meant to write a 3 month update for J - really I did.  But he had this huge growth spurt right at 3 months and wanted to eat every five minutes for a week, and I went to visit baby Alice, and Stella had her birthday, and life is crazy with 3 little monkies!  And so, this is a 3/4 month update.

Cheap diapers work great - as long as you buy them big enough.  Somewhere during month 3 Jeremy started to leak out of his size 2's and has now graduated to size 3.  (side note: Stella is learning numbers from the diapers.  She knows hers are 4's!  The upside to not being potty trained yet is that you can teach numbers - who knew?) 

Jeremy has very recently become VERY aware of toys and is now happy with tummy time because he gets to see the toys and bat at them.  Then 23 seconds later, he hates tummy time again, but he's getting there.  He sleeps in his bassinet now (although still loves that swing), and even though he is bigger than the girls were and the same age that I thought they grew out of the bassinet, he seems fine.  I'm not sure if he is more content in there and kicks around less than they did, or if I'm just keeping him prisoner in my room for as long as I can!

He smiles all the time, and is never happier than when he is being poked, prodded, and loved on by his sisters.  The way he laughs at Sylvie's songs and jokes, you'd swear he understands her "What do you call a sleeping bull?....A bull dozer!!"  Stella continues to give me regular updates as to whether he is awake or "beeping", LOVES when Jeremy "miles at her", and refers to him as "Brudder" 99% of the time. 

J sleeps pretty well - he is on a schedule lately of about 10pm to 5 am or so, then eats and back to bed.  There are nights he doesn't go quite so long, but I'm not complaining.  He is about the age Sylvie was when we started foods, but I'm in no rush.  We waited until 6 months with Stella and had all sorts of issues with the cereals, so I'm thinking another 2 months will be fine to wait.

In general, Jeremy is a sweet, cuddly, little, laid-back dude, although I think he got used to all of the attention and excitement from his sisters, so he is no longer content to sit off to the side at dinner time.  He wants in on the action.  In some ways it has become easier to get the giraffe shots (he can sort of sit propped up), and in other ways it is more difficult (he likes to swing his arms around and try to "catch" the giraffe).

I am one lucky, lucky Mommy :)

Lots of love,