
Bed time

Pictures can be deceiving.  If you look at this picture you might think bed-time was a quiet and cuddly time.

You wouldn't know about the fussy little baby who is crying because he just wants to be fed so he can fall asleep.

You wouldn't know about the 4 year-old who is crying because she is "too cool" for baths and needs a shower.

You wouldn't know about the 2 year-old who cries about....well, everything.

But really, we handled it well.  I changed and fed Mr. J while John started both girls in the bathtub.  It was a screaming, giggling, crazy kind of time, but that is normal for bed-time.  When Stella came out of the tub she was shrieking (totally normal for her), so Daddy consoled a little bare-butt Stella (cutest thing in the world!!) while I helped Sylvia take a shower.  Once everyone was clean, dry, and snug in their pj's, John read one of the library books for bed time.

If all goes well, bed-time ends with sweet, cuddly, quiet time.  :)

Lots of love,
