
breakfast with Stella Bella

I wrote this post a few weeks back, but it never posted.   My sweet girlie back when she was still 2:

Stella is normally my sweet little morning monkey, sooo thrilled to eat her breakfast with a smile. 

This week she must have been taking lessons from her sleepy big sis, because she was not quite herself, but pretty funny anyway.

Day 1 as she sits down to eat:   "Ha, ha, ha, ha, I NO LIKE you!" (in her sweetest singing voice).
me:  Well I will always LOVE you!
Stella:  I love YOU, Mommy

(maybe she was just messing with me before I had my coffee - it wouldn't take much :)

Day 2:  Stella sits down, turns to look at me, and makes the meanest face she can at me, scrunched up nose and squinty eyes
me:  Why are you looking at me like that??
Stella:  Because I love you! 

alrighty then

Day 3:  me:  Stella, what would you like for breakfast?
Stella with fingers in ears:  Mommy, I put fingers in my ears so you are not talking anymore!
I love that feisty girl - no matter what craziness comes out of her mouth!

xoxo  Keri
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