
Wild man

So.....wild man took his first steps on April 18th, walking between John and I.  I did my best to capture some more steps the next morning, and by the afternoon, I caught him out of the corner of my eye walking halfway through the dining room.   Very impressive little man.  Within a week or so, he was walking in circles around the house, and he can now stand up without a wall or any support, and away he goes.  He is loving walking around outside, and somehow (thank goodness!) he seems to be a very steady, cautious little walker, and is usually going fairly slow and in control.  Not quite what I would have expected, but I am thrilled that he isn't running headfirst, out of control, the way I was imagining!

So....here is footage from 4-19.  The morning AFTER his very first steps (you have to watch to the very end, Sylvie's glasses and Stella's faces crack me up each time!):


xoxo  Keri
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