
weekend with "grammy lou"

John made plans for us to spend Valentine's weekend in Philly, and we had soooo much fun. We haven't done things like that very often, but always say that we should try to fit in more "date nights", because we always do have a great time. We had a nice dinner at Mission Grill and had lots of fun bowling, which I almost didn't get to do :( First, they weren't going to let me in to the place, which served alcohol, because I didn't have ID. Then, when I pointed out that I would obviously not be drinking (check out the belly, dude!), Mr. Bouncer with too much authority decided I wasn't allowed to bowl because I was pregnant. John and I had just taken a taxi trip from our hotel specifically to go bowling, and I am super emotional right now, so I was in no mood for crazy rules set by the door guard. Anyway, he changed his mind, and we had lots of fun. We decided I would get a 50 point handicap based on the scores we hoped to get, and John still kicked my butt the first game. I think he got a 159!! (I didn't break 100)! I did a little better 2nd game, and with my handicap, beat John by a little. We're tied now, so we definitely have to have a re-match.
We stopped for brunch at a crepery on Penn's campus on the way back home, and then very happily returned to our sweetie, who was waiting at home with Grammy (who was super nice to offer to baby-sit :) I'm pretty sure Sylvia did not mind that we were gone one bit, which is great. I love knowing that she is having so much fun when we're not around. She recently got in the habit of referring to her Grammy's as "Grammy" and "other Grammy". I'm not sure which was which, but I decided to teach her "Grammy - Mary Lou" and "Grammy - Donna" as an alternative. I grew up with a Grandmom Shirley and a Grandmom Alice, so it makes sense to me.
Sylvia picked up the names right away, but sometimes shortens Grammy - Mary Lou to Grammy Lou, in her cute little Sylvie way. Here they are at the start of their fun weekend, filled with books, baths, and princess clothes. Thank you Grammy Mary Lou!