
baby sister update

There's nothing earth-shattering to report, but all is going well. I had lots of blood tests and the gestational diabetes test yesterday and should know the results on Monday at my next appt. The diabetes test seemed worse last time around. It basically just involves two blood tests and a drink in between that tastes like McDonald's orange drink. I had memories of it being disgusting, but it wasn't that bad, and I've been through far worse.

Besides feeling super exhausted, things are good, so I can't complain. I get my Rhogam shot on Monday, which is needed because of the difference in John and my blood types. I can't believe I'll be that far along already (28 wks!). I had been a little concerned because almost all of the movements I had felt these past few months are more like rolls and turns as opposed to kicks. However, it seems that baby had a growth spurt at 27 weeks, because I have felt several kicks over the last week, and luckily, John got to feel some too. Yes, the baby has legs! Peace of mind.

We have been refering to the baby as "Baby Sister" in the style of Berenstain Bears. The teachers asked me last week if we were naming her "Dawn". Sylvia's first response when asked the baby's name is almost always "John", which they were misinterpreting. Anyone there who takes Sylvia seriously either believes we are naming the baby Dawn, John, or Tinkerbell. The name is undetermined at this time, but I'm pretty sure those names are all out of the running. It is kind of funny to me that with Sylvia, we had her name picked out far in advance, but didn't really tell people. This time around, I have been telling everyone our thoughts, but we keep changing our minds, so everything I've told people will probably change. Maybe if we keep our mouths shut, we will be able to settle on a single name for this little darling:) We're always open to suggestions - at least for the next 10 or 11 weeks!