
Congratulations Miss Sylvie

Sylvie finished pre-school this week - I will hopefully post videos soon.  Her graduation was sweet.  She had such a great year working on projects and playing with her friends.  At the ceremony, they sang songs and the teachers read lists of each of the student's favorite things, although Sylvie's sounded a little more like a collection of her friend's favorite things than her own :)  Sylvia says she is happy school is finished because now she can stay home with us.  Little does she know, we always spent that time at the grocery store and running other not-so-fun errands.  I think she will realize she misses her friends pretty quickly, and I will get to practice juggling three little ones at the grocery store (which by the way, feels like a huge accomplishment when it goes well - it is a delicate balance to finish the grocery shopping without anyone getting tired, cranky, fussy, hungry, or having a total meltdown). 

I took these cute shots on the deck later that day.  I got the girls to giggle by pretending to sneeze, and when they begged  to hold Jeremy for a picture, I laid them all on the ground. 

Unfortunately, Stella refused to lay on the deck next to Jeremy (she still wanted to hold him), but I got a good pic of the other two.  2 out of 3 isn't bad, but I'm aiming for all three smiles next time.

Sweet Shot Day

Lots of love, 

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