
fear of doctors

Sylvia had her one-year appointment this morning. She is up to 19.5 pounds now, which is 25th percentile and 28.5 inches, which is 50th percentile. I would guess the length may not be too accurate, because she is still completely scared of the table where they measure her. I had almost forgotten about her tendency to freak out on public changing tables and the table at the doctor's office. Unfortunately, it hasn't gone away. In addition, she is now terrified of all of the doctor's instruments, which made the whole visit pretty unhappy, with a finale of 2 shots. On the bright side, she was happy when they gave her a sticker on the way out the door and happily snuggled into her crib for nap time. Hopefully, she'll just think the whole thing was a bad dream and this will all get easier when she is a little older - hopefully.