
recent reasons that Sylvia made us smile

1. At the grocery store, she saw a large display of enormous bubble containers and started shouting "Bubbles". There weren't even pictures of bubbles...my guess is that daycare must have the same container. Needless to say, we left with an enormous container of bubbles.
2. She can identify every Elmo in the grocery store from a mile away. She can also find every box, bag, and sign with a picture of a baby...."BABY!!!"
3. She knows the sign for milk. I thought she was waving bye-bye to herself, until I realized that it seemed to coincide with her milk requests. I found this on-line to confirm my theory: milk Here is more, if you are interested. (See video in the 4/27 post below - she is good!)
4. She can play peek-a-boo with a dog. Sylvia likes to look out the window to watch our neighbor's dog Jax from her high chair. Today, during dinner, she decided to play peek-a-boo. She is scared of every dog in the neighborhood right now, even the teeny, tiny ones, but from the comfort of her high chair, they are her best friends!