
more peas with garlic

This video may be the last time Sylvia wears her beloved Elmo sweater :( I realized a few days ago that I can't ask her what she wants to wear, because she will always either grab that sweater or say "ELMO!". It has been very warm lately, so I thought we would be packing it away, but today was cool again, so one more time for Elmo!

I knew they were starting to teach the babies some sign language at daycare, but I didn't realize that Sylvia has been doing some of the sign language at home - I guess it is only effective if I learn it too! I fed her some peas for lunch with a little bit of garlic on (which she loved - she's definitely our child). She kept doing the sign for more. I got the video camera and got her to do a re-enactment. I wonder what else she has been saying in sign language...