
boil your Easter eggs Early!

So, the day before Easter was kind of a disaster.

I rushed to get the eggs boiled so we could get to an Easter play at church that my friend's son was in and totally undercooked the eggs, which I didn't realize until we were about to dye them at 8 pm that night.

Turns out we had the wrong day for the play.  And my friend's son isn't even in it.  But the Saturday night church service was lovely - or at least it was from my perspective from the lobby with a loud, loud little Stella (and a quiet little Jeremy).

Just before we dyed the eggs we also realized the package said that the dye would come off in the refrigerator.  Really?  REALLY?

So John got new dye at CVS, while I boiled more eggs, and the girls slipped into that dangerous land called "PAST BED-TIME".

There were screams and tears, but lots of smiles too, and we ended up with beautiful eggs.

The Easter Bunny brought our precious little ones lots of surprises, and we spent Easter with lots of family and wonderful people. 

Remind me to boil the eggs a few days ahead next year!!


Lots of love, 