
Jeremy's first word

Stella's first word was "Mama."  She didn't know what she was saying as she babbled in the car after meeting Santa for the first time, but it totally counts.  You can read the original blog post here.

So....I suppose it is only fair that Jeremy's first word was "Dada."  Again, not so sure he knows what he is saying yet, but he says it often, and it totally counts.  How grown up does this little man look?!

Jeremy speaks:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY9dpHb5nhY

p.s. In case you were wondering, I'm not sure what Sylvie's first actual word was.  We gave her a book for her first birthday where I wrote in all of the words she could say by age 1, which included things like Da-da, Melmo, button, and bye-bye among other words.  She's always been a talker and these days she spends a lot of time trash-talking the Eagles.  Where did that come from?

Anyway, here is a video from way back when (1-29-08) of talking baby Sylvia:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U24mlbX065k

Lots of love, 