
Weigh-In week 4: rainy days

I passed the "make the salmon recipe" goal....sort of.  We had salmon earlier in the week for dinner, and it was soooo good!  However, I tweaked the recipe based on what ingredients we had on hand, and ended up with a completely different recipe.  I'll share the recipe when I have a few more minutes.  11 points per serving and worth every one.

I failed the exercise goal, but I'm blaming that on the rain and freezing whether.  Where is the sunshine??  Hopefully next week we'll have sunshine AND exercise.

We've been going a little crazy indoors, even with all of Sylvie's new birthday projects she got for her birthday.  Every minute outside is so appreciated. 

Stella got her first real time out, and it actually worked.  For the first time ever, she actually does something when I asked her to clean up now.  The toys don't always end up where they're supposed to, but we're moving forward. 
Sylvie and her best little friend got a warning at school for not cleaning up when they were first asked. Her consequence at home was 2 days with no fancy headbands. I love that discipline issues can be solved with time outs and headbands right now. That probably won't work 10 years from now. I'm going to need some new tricks.

I try to let them burn off a little energy outside so our indoor time will be just a little more quiet, but it never works.  I think it is a rule, when there are three kids, someone is always screaming. 

Oh well.  Quiet is overrated.

Week 4: 2 pounds; total: 10.5 pounds
Lots of love, 