
weigh-in day for both of us

So, baby Jeremy is wearing some of his 3-6 month clothes and is approaching 12 pounds.  That was a quick 6 weeks!  He officially weighed in at 11 pounds 10 ounces [90th percentile].  I asked the nervous three different times, "Really?  11 pounds 10 ounces?".  I'm pretty sure the girls were at least 3 months before they hit those numbers.  His length was 80th percentile, which is a good match for his weight.  His doctor's appt was Monday, and although I was extremely nervous to go on my own with all THREE kids, everyone did great.  Jeremy got one shot, which was no big deal, thank goodness, and is a very healthy little (BIG?) boy.   I'd been telling Stella for days that we were going to the doctor for JEREMY, (NOT STELLA), and I needed her to be my helper.  She must have understood, because she was very calm, and my Stella always melts down at any doctor's office, even mine. 

I had my 2 week weigh in with weight watchers, 2 more pounds down (total 6.5).  Favorite snacks of the week were chocolate chex in fat-free plain yogurt with blackberries or blueberries, and my standard plain yogurt with a tablespoon of chocolate chips.  Thank goodness weight watchers doesn't ban chocolate :)
General Mills Chex Chocolate Cereal - 2 Boxes (14.25 oz ea)

Lots of love,