
Sylvia is almost 5!!

Our Sylvie is 4!  She has been counting down to the day she turns 5 and can "ride the bus to kindergarten" since she could talk.  I'm pretty sure she didn't even know what kindergarten was when she started saying that.  She may not have known what a bus was.  Stella thinks every big truck that goes down the street is a bus, including the trash truck.  Now Sylvia is 4, which in her logic, makes her almost 5.  She's already planning the party she'll have.  Ahhh!!! 

I am so proud of her.  She has always been incredibly smart.  I am totally biased, but she just turned 4 and can do math and read simple books.  Come on now!  More than that though, her compassion for others has always amazed me.  Toddlers are supposed to be totally self absorbed and oblivious of the rest of the world, and she sometimes is, but other times she is incredibly concerned about others and very thoughtful, especially towards her little sister and brother.  Sylvia interprets Stella's language and finds the toy she is asking for or the drink she wants.  Even when Stella was a baby and Sylvia was 2, Sylv would ask me to hold Stella if she were crying, never jealous that a new baby was getting attention.  When Jeremy cries, she comes running to hold his hand, because "he likes that".  Stella and Jeremy both have a sweet second little Mommy in Sylvia.

Sylvia has taught us all so much.  She taught me that if you put ice cubes in a glass of water, boring water becomes really fun to drink.  She taught me never to pass on any aversion you might have had towards food to a little one; they might surprise you.  They might love brussel sprouts and despise marshmellows (where did this kid come from?!).  And she taught me how amazing it is to love a sweet little baby and watch them grow and learn new things every day as they become a talented and caring grown-up four year old.
 Thank you SO much to everyone who sent birthday wishes and birthday gifts and helped us celebrate her special day.  (Real thank you notes are in the works, I swear, but in the meantime...thank you!)  Most of all, thank you to everyone who is a part of our kids' lives.  They are so cherished and are becoming amazing little people because of it.  It takes a village, and we have a great one.

Lots of love, 


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Miss Sylvia - for your Mommy's sake, don't grow up too fast!!! What a wonderful post!
